Quaker Witness in Southern Africa

Friday, December 22, 2006

South Africa - HIV Aids

Posted by Quakers in the News

Humanitarian Assistance/Plain Speaking/Quaker Peace Centre/
Madlala-Routledge, Nozizwe/African minister ends decade of denial on Aids/Telegraph.co.uk/London/England/UK/11-Dec-06//Now Nozizwe Madlala-Routledge, a plain-speaking 55-year-old Quaker, is being feted as a heroine by health campaigners, Aids sufferers and much of South Africa's media, for daring to end a decade of denial on the disease by the ruling African National Congress. ...

Humanitarian Assistance/Silence/Madlala-Routledge, Nozizwe/Quotes of the week/Citizen/Johannesburg/South Africa/Africa/14-Dec-06//... “I have never met a Quaker who thought that sitting and meditating would solve the world’s problems.”
A Quaker commenting on Deputy Health Minister Nozizwe Madlala-Routledge’s vision of her job. The deputy minister is herself a Quaker. . ...

Monday, December 18, 2006

South Africa - HIV-AIDS

Posted by Quakers in the News
Humanitarian Assistance / HIV-AIDS / South Africa / Madlala-Routledge, Nozizwe / Deputies Bring New Energy to HIV/Aids / AllAfrica.com / Washington / DC / USA /7-Nov-06//... Madlala-Routledge, a Quaker and renowned peacemaker, has been instrumental in persuading previously antagonistic civil society organisations to support Mlambo-Ngcuka's efforts, according to TAC General Secretary Sipho Mthati. ...
At the center of non-violence stands the principle of love.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

South Africa - HIV-AIDS

Posted by Quakers in the News
Humanitarian Assistance / HIV-AIDS / South Africa / Madlala-Routledge, Nozizwe / Deputies Bring New Energy to HIV/Aids / AllAfrica.com / Washington / DC / USA /7-Nov-06//... Madlala-Routledge, a Quaker and renowned peacemaker, has been instrumental in persuading previously antagonistic civil society organisations to support Mlambo-Ngcuka's efforts, according to TAC General Secretary Sipho Mthati. ...
At the center of non-violence stands the principle of love.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Who may post and share on this Weblog?

Any Friend who would like to share information about humanitarian aid projects may share information here.

The Weblog Administrators, and those who know the 'Send To' email address of the weblog can contribute postings. ( The weblog administrators must fully publish emailed postings before they can be seen by the public)

The Send-To email address to post news is quakerafrica.southern'at'blogger.com

Monday, October 16, 2006

This is where the first post will go

OK, are you ready?

Who may comment on a posting?

Virtually anyone. We want feedback which will help us deliver humanitarian aid with more awareness and integrity.

Comments to postings are restricted to those who register and sign in to the Blogger Membership Database. (Blogger is a Google free internet-based weblog software environment)

Comments can be restricted further, if this is desired, for example, only to those who have been invited to be members of this weblog. Is this what we want?

Friday, October 13, 2006

How to post to the Weblog:

Important: Posting Guidelines

To maintain some order in posting, please use the following protocol for naming and identifying the posts:

Post Title:
Country Name / Project Name - Post Title
Post Body:
Please begin each post with the writer's name, Monthly Meeting and contact information

Here's an Example: (When posting on Southern Africa website)

Lesotho / Project X - New Board of Trustees Named for Project X

posted by Marvea X. Quaker

member of Friendsville Monthly Meeting
001 212 555 1212

On January 1, 2007 the board of Trustees was named for Project X in Lesotho......etc etc etc

The administrator, or co-administrator(s), who can be added at any time, may post to the weblog in two major ways:

Loggin URL: http://blogger.com/ User Name: As you have selected after being invited to be a member of the weblog Password: As you have selected after being invited to be a member of the weblog

A. By Posting Directly through the weblog administrative interface - By logging on as above, - click on the Weblog: Quaker Witness Southern Africa, - click on the ‘Create New Posting’ Tab - Write or copy and paste your heading and text. - Headings should follow the protocol – Country – Monthly Meeting – Name of Project - upload and position any pictures you would like - Click on Publish Now, to make the posting visible to the public

B. By sending an email to the following posting email address: - quakerafrica.southern'at'blogger.com
(the subject line of your email will be the title of the post, the body of the email will be the text of the posting).

- emailed postings will be posted as a ‘draft’ and not published fully until one of the administrators logs on and publishes the posting.

Who else can make postings on this weblog?
Anyone who has been given the Send-To posting email address: quakerafrica.southern'at'blogger.com.

Quaker Witness Southern Africa - Weblog Administrator Guide

Who can read this Internet Weblog?

The website / weblog can be read by anyone who has access to the internet and uses a web browser to read the news that have been shared. There is no way that this website can be kept private from anyone who would like to read it.

Who can post information on this Internet Weblog?

Administrators or those who have been given the posting email address of the weblog can contribute postings. (Administrators must fully publish emailed postings before they can be seen by the public)

How are posts organized?

Posts are organized in reverse chronological order - the newest posting at the top. If anyone would like to share the location of the weblog/website they would copy and paste the URL (Uniform Record Locator) http://quakersouthafrica.blogspot.com
In the body of an email and forward it to anyone.

How to post to the Weblog:

Loggin URL: http://blogger.com

User Name: As you have selected after being invited to be a member of the weblog
Password: As you have selected after being invited to be a member of the weblog

The administrator, or co-administrator(s), who can be added at any time, may post to the weblog in two major ways:

A. By Posting Directly through the weblog administrative interface
- By logging on as above,
- click on the Weblog: Quaker Witness Southern Africa,
- click on the ‘Create New Posting’ Tab
- Write or copy and paste your heading and text.
- Headings should follow the protocol – Country / Name of Project / Posting Title
- upload and position any pictures you would like
- Click on Publish Now, to make the posting visible to the public

B. By sending an email to the following posting email address:
- quakerafrica.southern'at'blogger.com

(the subject line of your email will be the title of the post, the body of the email will be the text of the posting).

- emailed postings will be posted as a ‘draft’ and not published fully until one of the administrators logs on and publishes the posting. This can be a sort of approval process, where the administrator has editing ability before the posting is fully published.

Who else can make postings on this weblog?

Anyone who has been given the posting email address: quakerafrica.west'at'blogger.com

Who may comment on a posting?

Virtually anyone. Comments to postings are restricted to those who register and sign in to the Blogger Membership Database. (Blogger is a Google free internet-based weblog software environment) Comments can be restricted further, if this is desired, for example, only to those who have been invited to be members of this weblog.

How do I add links to the right hand sidebar?

See Blogger Help.

How do I invite others to be members (and subsequently make them administrators) of the weblog?

- Loggin to Blogger.com
- Click on Quaker Witness Southern Africa
- Click on the SETTINGS Tab
- Click on MEMBERS
- type or copy and paste email addresses of those you’d like to invite
- Once members have joined, go to this page and click the box ‘Administrator’ if you’d like them to be able to fully publish emailed posts, or to be able to edit or delete postings or errant comments